Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Since November?? Come on Girls...

Since I have nothing better to do (just kidding..I'm still trying to figure out this Mom thing) and I noticed we haven't posted since November, I thought I'd try to get this party started.
So, here is my tagged list and some cute pics of...who else?...US!

Lunch Date

I thought I would post these in a tribute to one-year-old Tate
Funnyness: Amelia doesn't know she's prego in this picture.

How do I look? ... Chubby? It's the champaign talking.

Tate at around 2 months

Dinner Date in SLC

Six facts about me:

1. I have always wanted to shave my head, but have never had the courage to do it.
2. Chocolate truffles are my "crack". I have to stop myself or I seriously could eat a whole bag.
3. I LOVE walking down the cleanser isle at any store. I love the smells.
4. I liked being pregnant. I miss it. I liked going to the pool in my bikini and I loved the positive attention. I even liked random people stopping me and asking me about the baby.
5. Japanese potstickers (gyoza) is my favorite food.
6. My favorite thing to do while watching tv is to pick at Paul's beard stubble , zits, dry skin, etc. It makes him crazy, but he lets me do it.

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